The Retired Police Officers’ Association Scotland (RPOAS) has 12 branches, representing over 6000 members across Scotland.
The North East Branch covers Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Local Council Areas. Its members are retired officers who served in the former Forces representing those areas – Grampian Police, Aberdeen City Police, Scottish North Eastern Counties Constabulary and more recently in Police Scotland, North East Division.
The purpose of the Retired Police Officers’ Association Scotland is laid down in the Association’s Constitution:
The objects of the Association shall be to lend support and assistance to members in safeguarding their general rights as retired police officers and citizens of the United Kingdom and in promoting measures for their general welfare and enhancement of life; and on a member’s demise to extend this support and assistance to his/her surviving
spouse, domestic partner and immediate dependents.
If you are a police officer, retired on pension, you are eligible for membership as outlined in the rules of the Association, providing you have not been dismissed or required to resign from the Police Service by reason of misconduct.
For further details, see the Benefits page on this website. You can apply to join the Association on the Join Us page on this website.
Cover photos
Bucksburn Police Office Photo © Bill Harrison (cc-by-sa/2.0)
Elgin Police Office Photo © Anne Burgess (cc-by-sa/2.0)